A downloadable Holographic Recording for Windows and macOS

This is an experimental holographic recording made of a a drum set performance. The purpose of the recording is to test the applications and difference between a 2nd and 3rd order MtH Array. The Multi-Timbre Hologram (MtH, pronounced "myth") Array is an array for creating holographic sonic recordings of sound sources that have multiple instruments/timbre within it. The drum set is a prime example of a Multi-Timbre sound source due to it having different timbral attributes such as snares, kicks, toms, and cymbals. 

Everything was re-constructed in Unity using Google Resonance. The room ambience is also being generated with Google Resonance. There is functionality inside to turn the different Microphone arrays and virtual room on and off.

For more documentation, go to my website:



MacDrumSetMtH_2.0.zip 69 MB
WinDrumSetMtH_2.0.zip 68 MB

Install instructions

If you are running it on a Mac, you might need to allow your computer to open it in your security settings in system preferences. If that doesn't work, you'll need to unZip the package with a 3rd party unZipper application. The one that works every time for me is on the Mac App Store and it's called "The Unarchiver."

Development log

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